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Financial Services Newsletter Januari 2019

January: 2019, The best has yet to come!

In the first edition of our newsletter in 2019, we take the time to look back at what a fantastic year it has been. A year in which we've worked and co-created with you, our clients, to deliver your projects and achieve your goals. You'll find an overview of all the publications and reference cases we've shared with you.

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Newsletter March 2019 Financial Services

March: Personalization & Automation

In the second newsletter of the year you'll discover a testimonial on how AE helped a Belgian bank on the journey towards a relevant, personalized, one-on-one conversation with its clients and the opportunities of Robotic Process Automation.

We also invite you to two major events in May: our AE Hackathon and The Banking Scene event.

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FS Nieuwsbrief Screenshot Juni 2019

June: Happy Holidays!

In this newsletter we look back at the AE Hackathon 2019 and introduce our first white paper on Personalisation. We look foreward  to the data infrastructure of the future and the importance of new technologies to meet complex regulatory requirements.

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Financial Services Newsletter October 2019

October: Shaping for the future

In this AE Financial Services newsletter, we reflect upon how you can extract relevant insights and tangible value from the huge amount of data you're sitting on, how to unleash the potential of platformication and how the industry needs to evolve in order for banking, banks and bankers to stay relevant.

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